trueSUFFRAGE, 7/23/2020

Once again taking to the airwaves, “trueSUFFRAGE” features stories by-and-about women. 5 incredible women shared their stories of empowerment in this show designed to commemorate the upcoming 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment of the United States.

trueFAKES, 5/7/2020

Due to COVID-19, we had to take “trueFAKES” to the airwaves! Presented via Zoom and live-streamed to Facebook, here is what viewers saw. Remember, the stories are all true… it’s only the theme that’s “fakes”!

trueSH*T, 1/23/2020

June had it "up to here"!

Micah's evening goes down in family lore as "The Tondin Incident"!

Some might say Suzanne is full of shit. Well has she got a retort to THAT!

(more soon!)

trueANNIVERSARY, 10/24/2019

Photos by Jason Bechtel/Videos by Chris Strobel and his students at NKU