Join Us as we Make Ready for trueBIRTH, ~~or~~ Deliver another Story You've Got!
We are currently looking for true, personal stories that would be appropriate for our upcoming January show, trueBIRTH!
But, let's face it, we've all been cooped up for so long and we know you're all dying to tell a story, so mark your calendar NOW! We are hosting an online, open mic event, inviting people to share birth related narratives, or any story they want on
Wednesday, December 9, 7 PM EST (click here to adjust for your time zone)
If you want to share a story idea for trueBIRTH, great!
If you want to share any 5-6 minute story because you haven't talked to anyone outside your four walls in months, super!
And if you want to join us just to listen and feel a little of that Community-building goodness that comes from lending your ears and hearts to people's stories, you are welcome (nay, encouraged!) to do that, too.
And if you want to tell, you can come prepared, or respond to one of the prompts tossed out during the event, and wing it.
We're not streaming this on FB. You must be in the Zoom session to listen or share, so Register for one of the free 100 "seats" that are available now!
We know you've got a story to share and we're excited to give you a chance to share it!
NOTE: Everyone should register to get the Zoom info, but if you want to share a story at the event*, guarantee your spot by writing us your intentions through our site or at stories<AT>truetheatre<DOT>org. …or just take your chances there’ll be room and “sign up” upon arrival. …or if the urge hits you while watching, “raise your hand” and we’ll see if we can get you in!)
*We're about building Community, not creating divides, so no soap boxes, stump speeches, morality lessons,... you get the idea... and, think "PG-13". …and, again, please keep your story under 6 minutes